Saturday, December 20, 2014

A High School Girl's Guide to Lilly Pulitzer Agenda Organization

"Please hand in last night's homework."

We've all been there. We know the feeling of anxiety when you realize you didn't do your homework assignment. The best way to prevent that feeling is to write down your homework as soon as it's assigned. If you write down every assignment and then check your agenda at the end of the day, you're destined to succeed.

I have no clue how people don't use a planner or agenda at all. One of my friends writes down her homework on a sticky note, and that works for her. Some people don't even do that though.

In my opinion, school is much easier if you have cute school supplies to motivate you. This is why I think that a Lilly Pulitzer agenda is a great investment. Each page has colorful designs, and every month has a new pattern. Since school has started, I have gotten numerous compliments on my agenda. If you don't want to spend the money on a Lilly Pulitzer agenda, Target has many cute options during back-to-school.

I organize the weekly section of my planner with colorful pens (my favorite are Pentel EnerGel-X). I assign a color to each class. Interior Design, English, Spanish, Biology, AP Euro, Algebra 2, and Marketing. I use black to write in any club meetings or activities that I might forget about. Tests are highlighted with pink highlighter.

I also use the monthly section of my planner to plan out big events for the month.  I try to use certain colors for different types of events, like light blue for church and pink for school. There's no particular color I use for anything though.

Overall, I would absolutely recommend that every student (from middle school to college!) to buy a Lilly Pulitzer agenda and a package of Pentel EnerGel-X pens. There's no better way to organize homework and events in my opinion.

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